How My Journey Began

From a young age I began having dreams that revealed bits and pieces of what was going to happen the next day.

Being so young, I didn't understand that this was prophetic dreaming and that my unique dreaming ability would allow me to embark on a path filled with glimpses into the future through out my lifetime.

I passed off so many of my dreams as coincidence, until I had what I called the 'big dream'. The dream that showed me a plane crash and it happened the next day. Not only did it happen the next day, but the pilot was brought into the hospital where I worked and I was able to talk with him about the details of the crash.

I think I may have actually tried to pass that incredible dream off as coincidence too, except for the fact that I had shared the dream with the entire Radiology department over coffee that same morning.

Once that dream came to fruition, there was no turning back. My science based brain could not reason away the facts as I had done all my life, because I had shared all the details of the dream with multiple individuals. This validated my ability to glimpse the future in my dreams not only for my coworkers but for me. After twenty plus years of my life, I was finally convinced, I did see the future in my dreams.

This dream put into motion the groundwork for my research into prophetic, predictive dreams. With ultrasound as my profession and many pregnant women presenting themselves and their babies before me, it has been a natural progression for the investigation of dreams about an unborn child.

I have found this to be quite a phenomena around the world.